This is going to be an in depth trainer/expert comparison review on six highly rated RC electric airplanes. They will include the new E-GO 500 Class, E-Go Cessna 182, Hobbyzone Champ, Mini Super Cub, Super Cub LP, Apprentice 15e and Trojan T28 – all tested over a set regime base.
After seeing the huge performance improvement of the brushless motor and Li Po battery in remote controlled cars, we thought we would check it out from “wo to go” in the RC electric plane area.
We mean to start the review using a genuine beginner (me) and a local expert (George) and document the whole learning curve for the Mums and Dads out there who want to say they’re getting the kids a present, with all having little previous knowledge and/or experience. We will progressively review the five planes starting with what we believe to be trainers, and with the natural progression move on to faster and harder to fly planes. The evaluation will start from the moment we receive them and will be covering if and why we crash and every facet we can think of as we LEARN…
As soon as we can land some of these babies successfully we will move up a few levels to finally review a Trojan T28 Li Po brushless outrunner and E-GO 500 Class & E-GO Cessna 182 also promised to us by just as soon as the new shipment arrives.
These separate and complete reviews will not only include evaluation comments using suitable performance batteries and their impact on each plane, but will also include the new Spektrum DX6i transmitter and the Swallow EQ – one of the best AC/DC complete chargers in the market place.
All of the products including the six electric planes have been chosen by us from the HUGE selection of planes and peripheral equipment stocked at It is helpful to know that they can also supply repair parts when we crash, as well as being only a ‘phone call away for good advice and back up service.
In depth progressive reviews culminating in the formation of a “Comparison Grid” of facts will be in the final review.
If all goes well, we are likely to cover add ons such as laser games, bombing runs and landing on water, maybe. (To be conducted last – I wonder why!)
News Flash!
I have just had a major crash with the Apprentice (my fault) on the first attempt to get airborne. We males never accept that we can’t do something and progress as we should.
Available from most hobby stores I will now be obtaining the G5 Realflight Simulator to get some practice hours up before I try solo again!