DNP Lego Mindstorms EV3 introduces three new bonus models video

When Lego introduced the Mindstorms EV3 earlier this year, it bundled building instructions for five “hero” models, several of which can be seen in our CES hands-on. The complex kit of sensors, modules and bricks can do a lot more than that of course, and Lego community members have come up with twelve more, three of which were unveiled today: a dinosaur, a guitar and a whack-a-mole-style arcade game. The latter two in particular represent attempts at more whimsical implementations as well as the usual ambling robot. Lego plans to reveal the rest of the bonus models later this year.

As part of the announcement, these contraptions and more will be part of a summer cross-country tour called SparkTruck, where Lego will join up with Stanford’s Institute of Design to teach children how to start prototyping. What with the EV3 educational platform set to land in schools this August, Lego’s timing is certainly spot on. After the break, have a peek at the fully-built creations that kids can look forward to, along with a video demo.

Filed under: Robots


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