Lenovo adopts Chrome OS, intros ThinkPad X131e Chromebook for schools

The Chromebook world has really amounted to a two-horse town: you’ve had to like either Acer’s designs or Samsung’s if you’ve wanted Chrome OS on the move. Lenovo is at last pushing out the borders, however slightly, with the ThinkPad X131e Chromebook. As suggested by the name, it’s a subtle adaptation of the existing X131e (pictured above) to Google’s platform, where the only real hardware difference is AMD’s removal from the options list. The software really is the point, though — Lenovo sees the combination of a rugged, 11.6-inch laptop with web-only software as being perfect for schools that don’t want headaches with damage, security or storage. Accordingly, the only ones buying as of the February 26th launch will be institutional customers making volume bids. The Lenovo Chromebook won’t affect most grown-ups as a result, but it could shake up an OS ecosystem that has remained tiny for more than two years.

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Filed under: Laptops, Google, Lenovo



Read more http://www.engadget.com/2013/01/17/lenovo-intros-thinkpad-x131e-chromebook/