Emblaze Mobile’s First Else may be no more, but its legacy lives on. During MWC we caught up with the company’s ex-CEO, Amir Kupervas, who started a company called UIU in June 2011 — only a month after his departure and almost a year after the tantalizing First Else got canned. Over at UIU, Kupervas and UX strategist Itay Levin (who also took part in the First Else project) have a more humble ambition: to offer an Android launcher and an accompanying cloud management platform that are simple enough for non-techie users. “In the US, smartphones generate twice as much the amount of calls to the customer centers than the featurephones,” said Kupervas. “There’s a lot of hustle and a lot of confusion on how to work these guys. People are struggling with them, even existing users.”

Filed under: Cellphones, Mobile


Read more http://www.engadget.com/2013/03/05/uiu-android-launcher/