Lava has an eclectic mix of smartphones on the market under its Xolo brand, including the Intel Atom-based X1000 and dual-core X800 ARM model with an 8-megapixel camera. A common thread is that all are, shall say, cheap, and the Q600 unveiled today is no exception at 8,999 rupees (about $150). For that sum, you’ll get a quad-core Mediatek 6589M processor, 4.5-inch 854 x 480 screen, 5-megapixel rear camera, 0.3-megapixel front cam, 512MB RAM, 4GB internal memory (expandable via microSD) dual 3G sims and Android 4.2. Residents of India can grab it as of today, though we can’t see this particular model ever making occidental travel plans.
Filed under: Cellphones, Mobile
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