Home Security Swann PRO-620 & PRO-640 Long Range Security CamerasWe have been fortunate enough to have www.swannsecurity.com.au offer to supply us with not one, but two different professional quality long range cameras to review against normal wide angle general purpose cameras.

By putting all cameras through some rigorous image testing, I hope to show that cameras are not all the same and indicate some of the advantages of using a camera that has been designed for a specific purpose.

I will be hooking the Pro 620 and Pro 640 to the Swann DVR4-Pro Net recorder.  A high quality product that is more than capable of realising the potential of all the cameras to be tested.

It also holds the added advantage that I am already familiar with the recorder’s capabilities and can ensure that the test will not be hampered by my lack of knowledge in setting qualifying parameters.  The test will be to record a simulated intrusion on the property and to be able to read the vehicle’s number plate as they leave.

The review’s aim is to test whether you get what you pay for when buying a camera designed for specific purpose in terms of greater clarity and image definition against that of a general purpose camera. It’s done see reviewed.